Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Arranging appointments and studying Thai

I transferred all my Thai words that I have accumulated to 3 X 5 cards this morning. It took two and a half stacks of cards to get caught up. Know I need to study them:(

Downloading updates is too slow, even with a good dial up connection. My computer is slowing to a crawl and only 1% of the update is downloaded. It is the monthly Microsoft update.

Yesterday there was a storefront class in a shop house. It was a private English and computer skills school. The classroom was full, about 20 students, it was about 2:00 in the afternoon. I remember in Fairbanks when there were two private computer schools. I forget there names, one was over in the Northward building. Many people took courses from them for vocational purposes. By the middle 90's most of them were gone. I still meet students who say they got training from those schools, most are coming back to get training again from us. In Fairbanks we still have one excellent private computer school, Northstar Computing, they do a good job and have been around for a long time.

I wrote to the Human Development Foundation in Klong Toey to arrange a visit. I emailed them before, but did not get an answer. The foundation is supposed to be providing computer training and I am interested in what they are doing. I have seen the Klong Toey area from the bus and from the Express Way. I would like to learn more. I could provide some teaching if appropriate, and if there is a way to work around my Thai ignorance. I also could do a photo essay to document some of the foundation activities. For information on the foundation you can go to http://www.fatherjoe.org/
If I do not get an email response in the next couple days we will use the phone! I forget sometimes that there are other methods of communication.

I wrote Woody Leonhard, an excellent computer book author that I have used for a reference for many of my courses. I would love to arrange a visit. He lives in Phuket. I hope he answers his email. I found a reference to him owning a bakery in Phuket. He also has a new web site for computer and office information. The URL is http://askwoody.com/

Finally I wrote to the Virtual Hill Tribe Museum in Chiang Rai. The Virtual Hill Tribe Museum is an excellent web site that effectively communicates important issues and provides a means for community development. I find the site inspirational. I think many of the projects of the Virtual Hill Tribe Museum could be applied to Rural Alaska. The web address is http://www.hilltribe.org/

Jit and her dad and going to take her mom to the hospital today. Last time we went I was not much use, so I am staying home, working on Thai language exercises and arranging future appointments.

We got the film back yesterday, some of them look good. I will post some pictures later today or tomorrow. I also need to edit the pictures for the community meeting so I can get them printed.

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