Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bangnamphung Floating Market, a river trip, starting to pack, and thoughts of home.

Stuart and Steve drove over from Bangkok to visit. We went to the Bangnamphung floating market and took a boat trip down river from the small dock. I really like the floating market, it is relaxed and visually interesting. I took some photographs. I used my Olympus E-1 Digital SLR, which I love.
I got up early and watched the Super Bowl. It is a disconected experience not having the commercials and all the hype before the game. Even though I have been a Seattle Seahawks fan since the franchise was created watching the game was sort of abstract, it was a good game, but I did not really care that much. I thought about some of the other Super Bowl games that I watched and compared my perspective. Maybe it is because I do not really like to watch football!

Spent the day around the house, it was nice. We are organizing things to ship home. I read a book for awhile, took a nap, and in the late afternoon we went to visit some people in the community. I found some new paths to explore.

The home we visited is traditional wood on raised pilings. Under the house is a family or sewing room. There are three homes in the compound. It is near a different part of the park. The park is surrounded by houses and paths, but when you are in the park, except for some voices every once in awhile, it is not noticeable. The houses also give a hint of what the park was before it was constructed. I know, in a very sketchy way, that there was opposition to the park when it was created and I can see why. Jit said some people "gave" their land to the Queen for the park! The park must have disrupted many peoples homes.

I prepared some picture CD's for some people in the community, sharing some of my photography that I have taken during the trip.

Tomorrow there is supposed to be the 100 day ceremony for Oowon at the big tree.

It is getting warm in Fairbanks, it will be up to 20F or 30F above zero. The worst part of winter is over. I am thinking a lot about home and wondering how I will respond. I am going to miss many people in Thailand. I do not know when I will return. My work schedule gives me time off during the summer, but Jit's work time is less flexible. I know my trip has changed me! I will probably continue to post to this web log for a week or two after my return to share my impressions. We might come back for some time this summer, but I do not think Jit will be able to get time off. Jit's parent's health could also change all our plans.

Jit got an email from her work up on the North Slope of Alaska asking when she would be back. She will probably start work around the 24th or 25th.

My plan, for now, is to work for three more years and then retire. I think I will retire in Thailand, but three years is a long time with many opportunities and many possibilities.

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